I can’t, I just can’t take the nonsense in science anymore. So, they proved that plants are actually doing more than they thought to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and instantly in the same sentence said this doesn’t mean governments should hold off on trying to reduce emissions and plant more trees. Are you serious right now? This can’t be real, but it does prove now that this whole green technology stuff has nothing to do with CO2 emissions.
Don’t even say, “Well, you can’t fix the problem with trees.” Yes, you can; they just proved it. Want to decrease CO2 in the atmosphere? Increase trees around the world. Like that is so much easier than all the other things they want us to do to so-called fix the planet.
Here is a simple thing every nation can do: send out a barge with trees on it. That’s it—just leave them floating around the ocean with GPS to avoid hurricanes, and that’s it. It won’t cost more than a million for each one.
Is that too much? How about you make buildings that are high rises plant small plants along the buildings, put all the costs on the business owner. I mean, they are already doing it, but with all the green mandatory stuff, why not do something that will work instantly instead?
Deserts can be converted to areas for plants and trees, and don’t say it can’t be done because they don’t want to. If they did that, then they can’t have CO2 taxes.
It’s like these past two weeks; there have been announcements that scream the conspiracy guys are right. Mars having photos from the 1960s, now CO2 emissions can be slowed by plants, but we shouldn’t think it will work. Plastic in clouds causing more storms. The list goes on to the point where I’m starting to think science is just politics now. And don’t get me started on the mad science stuff going on—the stuff that not even Dr. Evil from those cartoons would be doing. That they are doing in the name of it will make life better.
Well that’s it for right now thinking about this gives me a headache and depression that its real.