well for the pas eight or nine months i have been beta testing windows 7 and now that its about to come out and is no longer beta i tought i would be board. Well i was wrong few weeks ago 3 i think microsoft relased the beta for office 2010 and sent me and invite to test it got to say way cool and much more usefull now has features you wish were in 2007 and it saves in 2003 format by default meing it is much easyer to go back to the old one. But the one thing that i found to be most usefull was the powerpoint. ever do a power point only to find out the computer with the projector won’t open your file. Well microsoft finially fixed that bug in the colest way possible. insted of fixing the issue that cause the problem they just came up with something else. they came up with broadcast for your powerpoint now all the computer needs is a web broswer and your power point will work. good job and its about time miccrosoft added that.
Bit the fun doesn’t end there i just finially finished getting all the beta drivers and software for windows7 and got this really cool new set of software that comes right of of windos surface. with the beta drivers and software and having one of the Three computers on the market that can have mulitouch testing this software has become way more fun and now my computer seams much more usefull. but with the few apps that microsoft will let out from surface it is worth it. TY
he best wold have to be virtual earth making looking so much more intractive and natral. so far all i see are good things for mulitouch.
now i can’t wait for the actual surface OS to be leaked somewhere that will be intresting to play with but till then this will do.