Why just why is what I want to know. What’s with all the live action movies from things that were not live action in the first place. The latest being a live action Zelda, yes that game that started as a 16-bit game and has made its way through the years right by its even better-known counterpart, Super Mario.
And I’m guessing now that Super Mario had a hit movie, they want to do the same but in Zelda fashion, they want to do something better. But we have seen over the years what has happened with live action – they never live up to the hype. Not always because of the writing or acting, it just feels lacking, mostly because it went from a fantasy world that we can’t touch to just being down the street.
The dreams and fantasy are just no longer there, but we will see. I am kind of looking forward to it, seeing that some of the people from the Super Mario movie are working on this one.