Fast and irreversible protein conjugation, so we are just saying to hell with it time to end the human race. Yep they have developed superglue for your DNA and the part that’s so ground breaking is it is actives instantly by light. They even were able to see and instant change in living cells when they use it. I don’t know where these people are comming from now or if it’s some contest going on in the RND department but it seems like every day there is a new brek through in something that has way more down sides than good sides it could ever have.
I get it stop genetic illness before they can kill you. Great but that’s about it the rest of it’s good uses are not really all that great they are ok. So much so in fact I can’t think of any right now. But just think of the down side messing with DNA instantly and the thing is the bonding agent can just be there not doing any thing untill activated. So put it in water give it two weeks and now shine a light and DNA in whatever cell is hit changes.
Let me put it another way put the agent in the water supply for a city. Then ship body scanners with the light in them replaced with one that emites the light for the glue. Now any one that walks threw the scanner will have the DNA in cells threwout there body instantly changed. Which means the cells will die cause instant change in your DNA will kill the cells. And the ones that survive will be seen as cancer to the rest of the body. So yeah this can be turn into a weapon that can kill or alter the DNA of a whole city at the speed of light.
The fact that this whole projects main purpose is to find ways to control and alter living cells just seems more like a evil scientist goal than anything else. Which comes right back to what I said before. The question shouldn’t be can we do some thing or what good it can do but should we try to do it. And in this case the answer is NO just no there is no good that you can say that gives a reason to create something capable of just destroying living things like in an instant.