There is great wisdom in old age but how is it gained. Is it gained simply by living a long life doing many things? Well yes and no, wisdom is gained in many ways, from living and from learning. Every day we gain a little more wisdom a little more knowledge, just from living and going through our days as normal. Even after a life time of this a person is wise but not very. To gain true wisdom one must listen and watch, listen to the wise older ones around us watch the world. The things that were there before us and are still there. One must chooses to think for one’s self and not blindly follow others. Ask why it must be done for everything, one must seek to understand.
Wisdom is not a simple thing to gain and no matter how long a person lives they will never be truly wise if the just live life never asking why. The fact is the age we live in is the easiest time for a person to ask questions and get answers. Unlike the times old when the only way to ask a person a question that had more knowledge than yourself was to travel to them and talk to them now we can pick up the phone and ask them. Not only can we do that but we can look things up our self’s. Information has become so access that there is no reason for us to want to know something and not know it. My question is why, why do most simply chose to accept what they are told, they do not ask why even when they don’t know. It’s as if they don’t want to know why, as if they want to be clueless.
Well the truly wise ones have always said “ignorance is bliss” but they also said “knowledge is power” I wonder why that is.
That’s my though for the day