This question has been around for as long as man has been smart enough to ask it. There are many answers to it, more that most any other question. As far as I know they are more answers to this one short question than any other I have ever heard. Most of which seem like the same thing but many insist that their version is different and better than the views of others. But I think that for the most part they are the same they just have a different way of saying it. Yes they are some things that are different, but it’s only in a small way.
The question is what is love? I’m not going to say I know the correct answer or even the best answer. But what I do know is love is different for most everyone. We feel and express it in very different ways, and there really isn’t a wrong way of showing love. It is a strange feeling like no other, unique in its power. It can cause the strongest men to be weak. There is reason to explain why love is and why it has the effect it does it’s just how things are.
Maybe someday we will know what love is but that day is far from now. But my thought for this day is, love is a hard thing to come by and when it’s found it shouldn’t be take for granted we never know what might happen to take it from us. So take care to never take love for granted and never over look those that love you, you may loses them one day and regret that you took them for granted.