I have been told all my life whenever I could not get something I wanted that I would get it in due time. For years, I did not understand what this meant I just thought that it meant that I would not get it or I should not have it. I have come to realize that it is not any of those reasons it is that I was not ready to have what I wanted. Today I was thinking about a few things I wanted and those words came to my mine “all in due time” at first I did not understand why they came to mind. After a few minutes of thinking about why they came to mind I realized that it would cause me more trouble to have some of the things I want because of the way my life is at the moment.
Just think about the things that have age limits on them such driving, drinking, and even smoking. They have age limits because before then a person is thought to not be able to handle doing these things. True they are those that say theses age limits are unreasonable because they want to be the ones doing these things, but just think about many of the people who drink at a young age. More than half of them end up addicted to all kinds of drugs. Those who steal cars at very young ages to go for a joy ride end up in car wrecks and many times killing others or themselves. So with that in mind my thought for today is that sometimes we want things so badly that we don’t see what will happen if we do get them when we want them or if they will even be what we expected or just cause us trouble. So wait and think before trying to get something that you want, for some reason does not seem to be happen maybe you are just not ready for it.