Write like your life depends on it Writing Tips Write Like Your Life Depends On It Intro Write Like Your Life Depends On It, Is the Name I Chose is a series…
lifestyle New Year’s Plans Read about the author's New Year's resolutions, including rebuilding a website and creating an online…
Blog Happy Fourth The author wishes everyone a Happy Fourth of July, mentioning fireworks, before outlining their writing…
Personal Reflection Writing I’m Going To The Darkside lol Explore the origins of dark and twisted writing and delve into the depths of imagination.…
Blogging Personal Development Year Is Ending Soon This year hasn’t been the best to say the least, it’s just about over and…
Writing Writing Tips The Struggle of Writing: Exploring the Writer’s Block Myth Explore the writer's block myth and the struggles faced by writers. Discover the unique writing…
30 day challange Personal Development Day One Read about the first day of my 30 days of writing challenge. Find out how…
Blogging Mind and Brain New goals in site The content which is usually posted on this site has been pretty random; I usually…